Airports :
National and international airports
Airport in Casablanca: hub n ° 1 between Europe and Africa
Located in North Africa, 15 km from Europe, Morocco enjoys a strategic position allowing it a direct connection to 52 countries and 110 cities. It is one of the most important crossroads in the world connecting 3 continents: Africa, Europe and America.
Morocco is a stable country with an attractive business and investment climate compared to other developing countries.
In Morocco, human resources are a major asset in the service of competitive investment and the creation of added value.
Morocco is considered to be the first country in Africa in terms of infrastructure (according to the World Economic Forum 2018) with an excellent and diverse network:
National and international airports
Airport in Casablanca: hub n ° 1 between Europe and Africa
Tanger-Med is the leading African port for containers and the leading port in the Mediterranean, with 9 million TEU containers
shores: Mediterranean and Atlantic (3,500 KM)
More than 40 ports including 13 dedicated to foreign trade (Tanger-Med, Nador West-Med, Jorf lasfar Port…)
Km of rail
African high speed train connecting Tangier to Casablanca (350 KM)
km of motorways
of the population is connected by a well-developed network
A constant evolution of the network multiplied by 12 in 15 years
is the installed capacity at Noor Ouarzazate, which is one of the largest solar complexes
is the total energy produced by the project (600 MW of CSP and 1,000 MW of photovoltaics).
invested for the development of tram infrastructure in Casablanca and Rabat.
Best network in Africa
subscribers with a penetration rate of 130%
Morocco owns 10% of the allocated IPv4 address ranges in Africa and the Indian Ocean, and is the 3rd largest user of IPv4 addresses in Africa.
Morocco has concluded a panoply of free trade agreements, giving access to a pool of 1.3 billion consumers in the world.
The Moroccan state has set up a series of sectoral plans capable of ensuring strong, sustainable and wealth-creating economic growth for the country.
These plans are part of a logic of modernization of traditional sectors such as agriculture, fishing, etc. as well as a logic of development of innovative sectors such as offshoring, the automotive industry, aeronautics, logistics, renewable energies and high value-added services, where Morocco offers real competitive advantages:
Morocco has a clear geostrategic vision, materialized by the importance of its companies in Africa.